From Richard Rostron of The Response:
The ignorance and arrogance of DEI sets standard for historic national idiocy
America can’t afford this level of stupidity
Some are outraged that Pres. Donald Trump would bring up DEI as a problem while commenting on the recent deadly crash of a US Army Helicopter and an American Airlines passenger jet in Washington D.C. last week. But DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) is such an outrageous policy that no opportunity should be lost pointing out the fatal flaws it poses to our country and society.
At its heart, DEI is a shift from quality to warm fuzzies hiring people of different colors or sexual identities. In terms of those charged with the safe operation of aircraft in America’s skies, the absurdity of this shift is obvious.
The job of a pilot, aircraft mechanic, air-traffic controller and others involved in the airline industry is to safely transport people and products through the air from place to place.
It is stressful enough without choosing those less qualified for arbitrary reasons.
There are numerous other occupations where it is tangibly obvious that meritocracy is the only way to go – positions where lives hang in the balance.
First responders – police, firemen and others – deal in life-and-death situations on a regular basis.
The best people with the best training are essential to help save the lives of those they assist as well as the lives of the first responders themselves.
The same is true with doctors.
Do you want a doctor operating on you when they’re in the position solely based on their skin color or gender identity?
Those are not appropriate factors to consider when your life is hanging in the balance. You want the best physician or surgeon treating you.
If the best doctor is a black lesbian, great; that’s who you want.
But you don’t want the black lesbian who was given an easier ride in pursuit of their physician’s certificate.
You want the best.
But quality also matters on a cultural, social and national level.
America has not become the greatest and most powerful country by pursuing socialist mediocrity.
If America was founded with these principles of DEI, the country would have been a flash-in-the-pan that no one remembered.
Competition has driven us to heights we grossly take for granted today.
It’s as if, in our Leftist ignorance and arrogance, we assume that we’ve reached a new plane in human existence.
No longer is it important for people to do their best.
No longer will America require the best minds to maintain the level of safety, security, and economic vitality that we assume is ours into perpetuity.
Unfortunately, the Chinese and others around the world haven’t gotten that memo.
China’s Pres. Xi Jinping has publicly stated his goal of overcoming America as the world’s superpower.
Have the DEI advocates contemplated what that means to them?
Even simple reality has something to say about such an ill-founded concept as DEI.
The economic repercussions are too painful to contemplate.
Our ability to maintain individual liberty is at risk.
America cannot tolerate this level of arrogance and ignorance.
We won’t survive it.
Common sense must prevail if we are to survive.