From Jake Justen, Chairman of the McHenry Countyu Libertarian Party:
McHenry County Conservation District Limiting Rate Increase Referendum Projected to Fail
Less than 300 votes spare residents from property tax increase
Woodstock, Illinois – McHenry County Libertarians and their Chair, Jake Justen, celebrated an inconclusive victory after the referendum for increasing the limiting property tax rate for the McHenry County Conservation District narrowly failed to pass by 278 votes.
It wasn’t until all election night votes were counted did referendum opponents realize the scant 50.09% margin of victory.
Justen stated, “the voters have had enough of tax increases, no matter the amount. Proponents of the rate increase raised more than $200,000 to spend on ‘vote yes’ and education campaigns.
“Our members and volunteers, including some McHenry County Republicans, spent less than $400 to oppose the tax hike.
“This should be a wakeup call to the McHenry County Board when it is time for them to pass the county’s tax levy and budget this month.”
The limiting rate extension the Conservation District was seeking would have raised property
taxes over last year.

Instead, because previously issued bonds are expiring, property taxes on a $300,000 home will fall to approximately $88 according to the district.
“We’re not completely out of the woods yet with late mail in and absentee ballots still to be counted,”
Justen stated. “I have confidence with the high voter turnout that the results will remain in taxpayers’ favor. Thank you to all that turned out to vote this election.”
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The McHenry Libertarians have been vocal opponents to recent tax increase propositions since losing ballot access prior to the 2024 primary election.
Strict ballot access laws in Illinois routinely prevent “minor party” and independent candidates from appearing on the ballot.
Illinois Election Code requires Libertarian Party candidates collect ten times the petition signatures than candidates of “established political parties” i.e., Democrats and Republicans.
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