From Mike Shorten on Facebook:
Mike “Shorty” Shorten For Nunda Township Supervisor
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I’m asking for your vote so that I can clean up Nunda Township government.
Incumbant Supervisor Leda Drain, since getting into office four years ago, has hired an immediate family member, increased their salary 150% to $42,000 a year for a part time clerical position!
In October of this past year Leda Drain, tried to raise her own salary by 25% to $95,000 a year.
Leda Drain’s outrageous spending if left unchecked, will cost taxpayers $1,000,000.
It’s ridiculous and offensive.
Once elected, I will eliminate unnecessecary position, improve efficiency and CUT TAXES.
Early voting starts at the Nunda Town Hall on February 10th, and Primary Election Day is February 25th.
Vote for an honest, ethical and accountable Nunda Supervisor…