Above is a photo of twent-one of the twenty-two poast cards sent to a mid-twenties man.
Another one arrived yesterday.
Thirteen were designed to put Republican opponent Laurie Parman in a bad light.
Why the big effort to paint Parman so negatively is beyond me.
Parman has so litle campaign cash that her yard signs are printed on only one side.
I have never seen that before.
Above is a photo of the Ness postcard arranged by subject matter.
A closer shot below of the upper lefthand corner shows mailings designed to paint Parman against one’s being healthy.

Another theme was tying Parman to Donald Trump and labeling her an extremist:

Note the tinfoil hat.
Another theme was that Parman is anti-woman:

Finally, below you can see all but one of the eight postcards that present a positive image of Nesss:

Is she preparing to run for another office, such as State Senator or Congress?