The American public let Republican President George Bush know what they thought of his breaking his “No more taxes” promise.
Not many people think that Chicago’s Democratic Party Mayor Brandon Johnson will get te-elected after breaking his promise not to raise property taxes.
Locally, we have Demcorat John Collins, appointed to the McHenry County Board after the woman electd moved to Huntley.
Shortly before the 2022 November election, when he and incumbent Republican Jeff Thorsen, were runing against Gloria Van Hoff and John Reinert, Collins sent out the followijg postcard:

What did Collins do after he land Thorsen lost the election?
He voted for higher taxes.
This year in County Board district 2, there are two candidates on the ballot.
John (Jack) Collins is the Democrat candidate running against incombeJohn Reinert, the Republican candidate.
At the November 15, 2022, county board meeting, he was one of the board members who voted to increase the county’s tax levy.
Maybe voters will recall that Jack sent out the mailer above two years ago indicating he would vote against any increase in the county’s property tax levy.
But that’s probably not the case.
This year, Collis has sent out two mailings.
The first arrived on October 18th. It was a comparison piece inwhich Collins is silent on his past votes to hike taxes.
You can see the comparison piece and the second poastcard, which arrived on October 26th below. The second one is what would be characterized as a “positive” piece.
The first mailing

The second mailing

Below are Reinert’s mailings, first from Illinois Realtors

Contrasts in Campaigning Between Collins and Reinert for County Board District 2 Seat - McHenry County Blog
[…] prior to Friday’s from Collins can be seen here. Included was a 2022 postcard from Collins (which you can see below) implying he would oppose a […]