Watching the campaign in my District 2 County Board seat between incumbent Republican John Reinert and Democratic Party challenger John Collins, I see three contrats
- Communication method: mail versus internet
- Content: negative versus positive
- Use of generalities versus specifics
The Collins campaign is composed of three postcards, two of which are negative concerning Reinert.
The Reinert campaign consists of only positive messages about himself which are on the internet. Reinert did have a couple of supportive mailijgs from the Reators PAC.
Mailings prior to Friday’s from Collins can be seen here. Included was a 2022 postcard from Collins (which you can see below) implying he would oppose a property tax hike in a vote to be taken after the November election, Collins, then an appointed member of the McHenry County Board, voted to hike taxes
Note that Collins point to specific issues while the Reinert pieces and his inrernet ads below speak in terms of generalities.

The most recent Collins mailing is below:

Reinert, on the other hand, in his internet campaign, does not criticized Collins
The Reinert internet ads of are various sizes as you cansee below.
Most have rotating messages.
None mention his Dmocratic Party opponent.