34 thoughts on “Hello world!

  1. Kirk Donald

    What the hell are we doing here? Speak up! Not only are we tasked with saving our country, but also our county. So many people are unaware that McHenry County has been named one of the best “communities” to live in nationwide. You knew that, I knew that! The only thing wrong with McHenry County is the damn property taxes! Guess who wants to raise them again? The Democrats. They have an agenda, to create “workforce” housing, to expand mental health care to anyone who has the slightest problem, including migrants who need to learn English, and “expand” broadband internet and county wide busing, even though those programs are “in the works” right now by the County Board. They want to borrow money to finance these programs to have them NOW! They can’t wait to plan for the development, they want to show everyone how great socialism is. Think I’m full of hot air? Visit the county Democrat website, right there they have a big banner of Barrack Obama speaking at a rally with the phrase “Think globally, act locally”. Kelli Wegener, candidate for McHenry County Board Chairman uses the phrase “Community, not conflict” on her Facebook Page. You know what that means? It means if she gains control of the County Board (along with picking up some County Board seats) if you dare to defy the “Community” of Leftists, she and her minions will make sure that you comply through a pilifera of regulations, (see “no conflict” who in the hell can afford it?). I have been at a Planning and Development Meeting where Kelli Wegener said ‘to have housing for those who can’t afford to live here’. WRONG! I worked my buttocks off to afford to live here, and I’m not going to finance someone who could care less about the beauty and value of this county! If you want this county to turn into Cook County, if you think being “woke” is the height of academia, if you want to see your property taxes increase, vote Democratic. If you agree with me that they’re the problem, vote straight Republican!

  2. Joe Rosner

    Welcome Back Cal!

  3. Bill Parrot

    nine years .. unrelenting & maniacal
    deliberate, visceral & despicable

    sinister bottom feeders ..
    unleashed upon dedicated Americans deeply troubled by our present state of depravity born of unbridled power …
    jealously coveted by an elite ruling class devoid of principle

    yet this one man’s still standing …
    every iteration of literal & figurative attempted assassination notwithstanding .. law fare broadened to new heights

    November 5th we begin anew ..
    the determined soul of an amazing nation of freedom loving patriots rising steadfastly above the lies & deceit to chart a new course ..

    resolute in our dutiful commitment to healthy transparency from the school board to the Oval Office …

    so help us God ..

  4. Dave

    Let’s see where this goes.

  5. Kirk Donald

    I found this revealing Letter to the Editor from Fred Haller of Johnsburg in a recent edition of the Northwest Herald. Here’s the real John Collins!

    “After reading a few letters to the editor in the Northwest Herald, I did some research on the candidates for McHenry County Board District 2. John Collins was never elected to the County Board, he was appointed.

    He describes himself as a moderate (?) Democrat comparable to Dick Durbin.

    He thinks that McHenry County (one of only a few debt-free counties in Illinois) should borrow money to finance projects because of its credit rating.

    In his 21-month appointment to the County Board, he missed four County Board meetings, one Committee of the Whole meeting, two Administrative Services meeting, and three Transportation meetings.

    In fact, it appears he took the entire month of Oct. ‘22 off with the exception of two meetings.

    John Reinert has missed four meetings in a 22-month span.

    John has been a professional Realtor for 30 years whose focus is working to bring down the cost of new homes so that families can afford to live in McHenry County.

    That speaks more to the true character of our county.”

  6. Bob Wire

    Maybe Ms Wegener will learn about Lying by listening to what her hero Bill Maher said about it on his show last night..in reference to the Media proclaiming “Trump calls for Firing squad for Liz Cheney”.

    To sum it up Bill, unbelievably said “Just don’t Lie to me’.

    Because they did lie, as Bill pointed out they left out portions of what Trump said to create a Lie.

    Ms Wegener, it appears you have done the same.

    See todays Breitbart New, its the headline.

    I believe many on “her side” have been doing this for too long mainly because it was sanctioned by the Obama crowd back around 2007.

    When you don’t have a plan or an answer, create a lie.

  7. Bob Wire

    Congratulations to Catalina. Great Love Story. Sending well wishes. Have met her, her mother, sister at a couple Trump events in Woodstock–great family. Curious now that Trump has won if she’ll have a role somewhere in the new Administration. Or is she moving to England?

  8. JT

    Cal, you could have told us why the site went down for updating. Hopefully most of the mental midgets that posted here won’t realize you’re back in business.

  9. Dave

    “Or is she moving to England?”

    To continue her work as a school litter box abolitionist?

    1. Bob Wire

      I thought with this new site Cal and crew were going to crack down on blog trolls. You sound like Dave Lowitzki. Readers now forewarned. Every comment so far from “Dave” has been anti Trump, expect more of the same, all the time. He’s a paid troll by the Illinois DNC –look him up. Hurry on over to BlueSky Dave, its where all your bobblehead Lefties are now meeting instead of X/Twitter.

      1. Dave

        I’m not Lowitzki. Matt Gaetz, still funny.

      2. Dave Lowitzki

        Hi… Dave Lowitzki here. I’m not this other Dave, but glad to see you and others are still obsessed with me. But the Matt Gaetz story would be funnier if it didn’t involve underage women being raped.

        But… I’ve never received a penny from the “Illinois DNC” (which doesn’t exist) or the Democratic Party of Illinois (which does exist).

        Oh, also, someone who disagrees with you isn’t a troll, so you should probably learn what “troll” actually means before you use it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


  10. Dave

    Matt Gaetz –




  11. JT

    Dave, too funny. LowIQitzky brings up Matt Gates but conveniently covers up Joe Biden showering with his 12 year old daughter and then marrying his nanny Jill who was cheating on her husband. Being a D is a mental disorder.

    Lowitzki how’s your horse tooth second wife doing? Is she helping you push your baby murdering and high taxes on IL residents and the trans agenda? You know the stuff you lobby for.

    Cal open up the comments already. Whoever gave you advice to shut them down is right up there with Marc Avelar who can’t handle dissenting opinions.

    1. Bob Wire

      Yes, Cal open up the comments section to make it easier to get a broad view and reaction to the different topics and stories you are presenting. Sure, control the foul mouth stuff, but my gosh, make it easier for folks to offer different or supporting views, insights and information on the stories. Right now its too one way and commenting is disjointed. Or do what you want, its your blog. I find many of the follow up commentary to be insightful, informative and some even offer new details to the topic.

      1. Cal Skinner

        Comments can be put under every article, I believe.

        1. Dave


          1. Dave L

            Can’t wait until Trump stickers with him pointing and saying, “I did that!” start appearing on gas pumps everywhere!

            I’m sure he’s right that, “Tariffs will make America rich!”

  12. JT

    No Cal

    The only comments are links to your source articles. If we were able to comment there would be an area saying so. The only way I was able to post this comment was from a link that says recent comments. Otherwise you have locked out all comments on everything you post.

    Enjoy Cape Coral. I heard you need a jacket and long pants to keep warm.

    Please fix the problem. I enjoy the banter with the low IQ liberals on your site.


  13. JT

    Do you care to provide an update?
    There are a lot of topics that deserve public opinion.
    That’s your statement on the existence of this blog.

  14. JT

    Cal Skinner
    This is a journal of news and opinion designed to bring to light matters of public interest and to encourage public participation in the governmental process. Emphasis will be on McHenry County, but Illinois state news will be covered. Articles and photos are copyrighted and may not be reproduced without explicit written permission.

    1. Dave L

      Remember how the Orange Baby told us no more foreign wars? And you idiots believed that? Can’t wait to see what happens when he sends our Beautiful Warriors to take Gaza, turning it into a Trump resort!

      He’ll have to take all of Cuba now to expand Guantanamo to hold all the Palestinians.

      Then proclaims two wins in coercing Canada and Mexico to do exactly what they’ve already been doing.

      Make Morons Great Again!

      Then he

      1. Dave L

        Then he said Canada “will cease to exist.” Wannabe badasses all want a Ukraine to play with, I guess.

        I guess the plan is to take Greenland for the Palestinians.

  15. JT

    Cal Skinner is a dictator. Not good for a professed libertarian. C’mon Cal. Be a man and open up comments for public discourse. I’m starting to think Marc Avelar is now running the website with his sidekick Dave Lowitzki.

    1. Dave L

      Comments are right here. GOSH, ITS SO HARD.

      Still not Lowitzki

      t-Rump still stepping on his dick everyday.

      1. Dave L

        And yet you voted for t-Rumpty, our first dictator.

  16. Dave L

    Maybe President Musk can offer t-Rump a retirement buy out?

  17. JT


    Are you too low IQ to understand my point. Whoever is posting OTHER ARTICLES locks them down from comment simpleton.

    1. Dave L

      Cut and paste comment-worthy excerpts of those articles here and then comment on them.

      I’m not triggered. I’m entertained by t-Rump and Elonia working to destroy the country. The Republican party is dead, MAGA soon to follow.

  18. JT

    Hey Dave

    That seems counterproductive to the purpose of this blog. I suspect that Cal or you are upset that your USAID money laundering got exposed.

    I find it priceless you would think that posting comments on unrelated topics in this location is acceptable. The original post was made in 10/2024.

    That’s a hell uva way to operate a blog that Skinner claims:

    “Cal Skinner
    This is a journal of news and opinion designed to bring to light matters of public interest and to encourage public participation in the governmental process”

    He’s just another misinformation tool with no ability to think outside of his echo chamber. He’s rooting for Madigan to be found not guilty. LOFL.

    1. Dave L

      I find it priceless that MAGAts are reluctant any more to comment on the Prince of Lies.

      Look it up.

  19. JT

    Cal is laying by his pool in Cape Coral laughing. The question is does he put the uncooked baked potato in the front or in the back of his rainbow flag speedo. Maybe he will post a photo.

    And Dave L. Are you upset that Musk is exposing corruption and waste of our taxpayer money or are you so rich that being robbed of your hard-earned cash doesn’t bother you?

    Let’s hope Cal is sipping his tropical drink in his speedo with a plastic straw now that Trump has banned paper straws. LOFL

    1. Dave L

      “Trump could advance the argument that half of the Gulf borders the United States with half on the shore of Mexico.
      Pritzker cannot make a parallel justification.”

      It’s stupid. Who cares? Totalitaria, anyone?

      It’s still the Sears Tower, isn’t it JT? The John Hancock?

      President Musk hasn’t given us Jack Sh×t yet, other than an erroneous factoid of airlift condoms to Gaza costing $5M, then $50M, and now currently $100, such proven to be a lie, yet all the MAGAs spouting it over and over like the Stepford Wives they’ve become?

      Yet if we want fewer Palestinians, wouldn’t all those condoms help in preventing more Palestinians?

      Supposedly President Musk and his Crack team of pubescent needs are fulfilling our demands of transparency, yet we don’t know anything about who they are and what they’re doing?

      Other than knowing one is yound Hitler Youth and another being a 19 year old who goes by Big Balls?

      Hint: If you have to tell people? You don’t. You’re not.

      1. Dave L

        If I were you, JT, I’d be asking for “receipts”. How much in actual savings? What’s its percentage share of budgets?

        And how much to fix what they break?

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