Republican incumbent Mike Buehler spent $53,213 in the last month of his fall campaign.
During the same period, Democratic Party opponent, County Board member Kelli Wegener laid out $71,226.
Despite spending one-third more than Buehler, Wegener lost by almost 16,000 votes.

The last 5,000 ballots allowed Wegener to lessen her margin of defeat by 1,199 from the 17,109 deficit on Election Night.

The margin went from 17,109 on Election Night to 15,910 after all late-arriving ballots were counted.
Below is the summary of Mike Buehler’s financial acvtivity:

Below is what Kelli Wegener took in and spent:

Clearly, Buehler did his fundraising ahead of October, while most of Wegener’s was afterward., amounting to $50,127.
And Buehler ended up with a hefty amount in his campaign fund–$45,222. It is almost the same amount that he has loaned his campaign.