From the McHenry Township Fire Protection District:Your Attractive Heading
Fox Lake Road Fire
On Tuesday, January 14th, at approximately 8:40 p.m., the McHenry Township Fire Protection District (MTFPD) was dispatched to a reported structure fire in the 5900 block of Fox Lake Road in unincorporated McHenry.

Fire crews arrived on the scene within seven minutes to find a one-story residence with flames visible from the rear of the home.
Crews were advised that all residents were out of the structure.
First arriving crews upgraded the alarm to a working fire, which brought in additional units and change of quarter companies.
Crews deployed hose lines to the rear of the home and to the interior for fire suppression while simultaneously conducting a search.
Crews were hampered by a live power line down in the rear of the home.
Due to the lack of hydrants in the area, water was shuttled in with water tenders.
The fire was brought under control within 35 minutes.
No residents or firefighters were injured.
The fire is currently under investigation, and a damage estimate is not available at this
The house is deemed uninhabitable.
MTFPD was assisted on scene by the Round Lake, Spring Grove, and Wonder Lake fire
The Richmond, Cary, Nunda, Crystal Lake, Antioch, and Wauconda fire
departments covered our stations.