As I understand state law compensation of elected officials must be approved prior to their taking office.
That being said, maybe the Lakewood Village Board is planning on passing a free golf ordinance Tuesday for those who will beelected next spring.
Here’s the language;
Policy Statement
It is the policy of the Village of Lakewood, (“Village”) to comply with Internal Revenue Servic(“IRS”) regulations and guidelines relative to fringe benefits for Village trustees, commissioners and employees.
Further, the Village encourages its trustees, commissioners and employees to utilize the amenities that it provides, including RedTail Golf Club, and to provide feedback on the Village’s facilities and amenities.
Additionally, trustees and commissioners are encouraged to evaluate operations through participation and usage of Village facilities and amenities.
Golf is considered to be a no-additional cost benefit by the IRS when it is played during non-peak or nonpremium times and the IRS has issued guidelines relative to this benefit.
In accordance with IRS regulations and guidelines, trustees and commissioners are entitled to a twenty percent (20%) reduction of the applicable greens fee rate, including the use of a golf cart for play at any time.
Employees are entitled to play golf, including the use of a golf cart, at no charge during non-premium times.
Non-premium times are weekdays after 12PM and after 11AM on weekends and holidays.