From the Woodstock Police:

From the Village of Johnsburg:
Open Burning of Landscape Waste
Landscape waste may be burned on Saturdays and Sundays from dawn through dusk during Fall months of October and November.
The burning of landscape waste is permitted only when winds are less than 10 mph.

The burning site must be a minimum of 100’ from any principal structure and supervised at all times by an individual at least 18 years of age.
A fire extinguisher, garden hose or water source must be available at the burning site.
Prohibited at all times is the burning of manure, garbage, construction materials, litter, grass clippings (eff. 10/5/2021) and etc…on any property.
We have seen and received multiple complaints of residents not complying with the ordinance, please be advised violators will be cited.
Recreational fires and ceremonial fires are exempt but may not be larger than 3’x3’x3’ and cannot contain leaves, grass or shrubbery clippings. Click here for the requirements.