In answer to the question “Why shouldn’t voters choose your opponent?” incumbent Republican McHenry County Board Chairman replied,

“Voters should be deeply concerned about my opponent’s activist track record on the county board,
which has consistently supported initatves that are not in the best interest of our residents and have
created significant financial burdens for the county.

“My opponent backed open border policies by votng to cancel our county’s jail contract with Immigraton and Customs Enforcement( ICE), ultmately leading to a staggering loss of over $18 million in revenue over the past three years.

“This decision has severely strained the county’s budget.

“Moreover, she has voted for every property tax increase that has come before her, along with a gas tax hike, further burdening hardworking families who are struggling to pay bills and put food on the table.

“Adding to these concerns, the State Board of Electons has determined that her campaign violated Campaign Finance Disclosure laws, raising questons about her transparency, accountability, and disregard for the law.”

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