From McHenry County Board member Mike Shorten:
Mike Shorten Announces Candidacy for Nunda Township Supervisor
Crystal Lake, IL- January 13, 2025- Mike “Shorty” Shorten, has officially announced his candidacy for Nunda Township Supervisor in the Republican Primary on February 25, 2025.

In an announcement letter to constituents and a speech at his campaign kickoff on January 9th, 2025, Shorten said that he is running, “to restore integrity and accountability to the Nunda Township Supervisor’s office.”
“I did not plan on running for this office, however I was contacted by several elected officials in Nunda Township, as well as other community leaders who were troubled by the behavior of the current office holder,” Shorten said.
After investigating and validating the accuracy of the claims, Shorten indicated that he felt he had no choice but to run, in the absence of any other opposition to the incumbent Supervisor Leda Drain.
“My message to voters in McHenry County for the past several years has been that the road back for Illinois runs through McHenry County and the example of effective government under Republican leadership at the County level is one that should be followed statewide. I cannot stand by while “so called” Republicans in my own township act like corrupt Chicago Democrats.”
Among the issues Shorten cites about his opposition, incumbent Supervisor Leda Drain:
- Nepotism: Soon after appointment to the position in 2020, incumbent Leda Drain hired a family member without a job description, posting a help wanted ad or considering other applicants. Since hiring her family member, Drain has also increased her relative’s part-time salary nearly 200% to $52,000 a year which will cost taxpayers more than $500,000 over the next 10 years.
- Self-serving salary hikes: In October of 2024, Drain proposed a 23% raise for herself and for the other Township officers, which would have cost taxpayers $572,010 over 10 years.
- Disregard for Taxpayers: When asked in the October 2024 board meeting if her dramatic spending increases and salary spikes would raise taxes, incumbent Supervisor Leda Drain told the board, “We are going to have to increase our (property tax) levy.”
“The current Supervisor has used the office for personal gain,” said Shorten. “It’s time for a change.”
Shorten has promised that he will put his focus on serving the residents of Nunda Township rather than the focus on self-interest exhibited by incumbent Supervisor Leda Drain. Among a broader service over self-agenda, Shorten outlined the following commitments to the residents of Nunda Township:
- No Nepotism: Shorten has promised that he will not hire his family. “I will evaluate the need for staff in the Township Supervisors based on need, and if staff support is actually needed, positions will be clearly defined, job postings will be posted, and applicants will be evaluated based on qualifications relative to the requirements of the position. I will NOT follow my predecessors “Family First” approach to governance.
- Cut Costs and Cut Taxes: Shorten has promised to conduct a complete evaluation of Township operations and facilities to develop and execute a plan to drive out costs and cut taxes.
“Leda Drain’s approach has been to maintain the status quo, including operating her office out of a full-size house for her and her single (related) employee. This makes zero sense when the Township Town hall has enough space to accommodate them and the limited number of Township Programs.
“I will work with the board and other elected officials to right size the footprint of Township facilities and modernize operations to drive costs out of Township government. I am beyond certain during my term that we will be able to implement significant cost reductions and deliver a tax cut to the residents of Nunda Township.”
- Cut the Supervisor’s Salary: “While my first year or two in office will involve evaluating and rightsizing the Township footprint and operations, it is my intent to turn the position into what it should be in Nunda Township, a part time position with part time pay. Based on my assessment of the statutory requirements of the office, I will support a 40% reduction in the Supervisor’s salary.”
Early voting starts January 16, 2025, at the Election Center, 410 S Eastwood Dr, Woodstock, IL 60098 and will expand to the Nunda Town Hall at 3510 Bay Rd., Crystal Lake 60012 on February 10th. Vote By Mail applications are being accepted now, with ballots mailed out starting January 17, 2025. Visit the McHenry County Clerk’s website for more information.
There are no Democrat or independent candidates that have filed for the April 1, 2025 Consolidated election, so the next Nunda Township Supervisor will be decided in the February 25, 2025 primary.
Shorten will be scheduling several Town Halls across Nunda Township between January 13th, 2025 and the primary election day on February 25, 2025 to meet voters, discuss his candidacy and answer questions.
Mike Shorten is a seeking the Republican Nomination for Nunda Township Supervisor.
Over the past 15 years, Mike has been involved in local, statewide, and national campaigns supporting Republican Candidates and as a leader in the local McHenry County Republican Party. Shorten is currently a Republican Precinct Committeeman, Nunda Township Republican Party and previously served Vice-Chair of the McHenry County Republican Party, Chair of the Nunda Township Republican Central Committee and Trustee in Nunda Township. Currently Shorten is in his second term on the McHenry County Board, representing District 4, which includes part of Nunda Township
Mike lives in Crystal Lake with his wife Cheryl where they have raised their three daughters since 2001.
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Salary of the Nunda Township Supervisor for the next four years follows:
- 1st year – $80,608
- 2nd year – $82,624.20
- 3rd year – $84,688.78
- 4th year – $86,806
- Plus $1,000 a year for being Road District Treasurer