Remembering the political capital I expended to get a right-turn lane on Route 62 onto Route 31 brought a smile to my face when I read an agenda item on the meeting agenda pf the Algonquin Village Board.
It reads,
Adopt a Resolution Accepting and Approving with Fowler Enterprises, LLC to Demolish the Existing Building at 7 S. Main Street in the Amount of $31,450.00
I remember Algonquin Township Supervisor Tom Schober’s inspiring building owners on Route 62 and 31 to put up sheets exclaiming “Not this building Skinner.”
You can see a photo of the sheet at the new Riverside Restaurant and Tavern on Route 31.
The signs were on buildings not only on Route 31, but those lining Main Street (Route 31) where non on had suggested tearing down any buildings.
Now comes, the Village Board with a plan to tear down one of those buildings, the Creekside Tap: