Lakewood Village Trustee Ken Santowski Entertains Dreams of Running for President

A letter from Lakewood Village President Ken Santowski:

I have formally decided to announce my candidacy for President……….

Fellow residents:

Well with the 4th of July weekend right around the corner it seems like summer appears to be in “full steam ahead” mode.

Things have been relatively quiet on the Lakewood home front. The first meeting in June was a short one with only one main item on the agenda.

Earlier in the year during budget talks we approved some money to help promote Lakewood to future home builders and commercial developers.

Now this may seem like a silly idea in an economy that is lower than most of us have ever wanted to experience but timing seemed right.

By allocating around $11,000 +/- to Web Q & A and Dobbe Marketing now we should get the most for our money when the economy comes back around.

Will it ever be like it was?

Doubtful but eventually people will have to move, companies relocate and everyone sooner or later spends money.

Whether it is for a new car or vanilla shake (I love shakes) people will buy these things.

Why not encourage them to buy them within the lovely boundaries of Lakewood?

Other than that we just had simple housekeeping to do. Bills got paid and revenue collected. Day to day operations seem to continue without too much exception. Hopefully it will remain a fairly quiet summer.

I spoke to one of the lake committee members and asked how our algae growth was doing on the lakes. It appears to be under control (versus out of control). The treatments and aeration seem to be working to keep it from exploding. Lets hope the heat wave coming doesn’t exacerbate the situation.

Sometime during the July meetings we will be talking once again about the Redtail Clubhouse (or lack thereof). With the extremely favorable building environment and low interest rates we should be able to get a great deal on just the right size clubhouse for our needs.

The bigger trees not in the way of the bike path on Huntley Road are being protected.

The Huntley road bike path is starting to progress, albeit slowly. You will notice the silt fence, trees wrapped in wood planks and lots of flags and spray paint along the way. If you drive down that way please use extra caution. If you bike , walk or jog that way I would simply say find an alternate route. The road will shrink a lot before the path is finished.

It seems that signs like this one in St. Charles pointing to a sportsplex will not appear near Lakewood in the near future.

Recycling of Styrofoam is going quite smoothly. I can now take all COLORS of Styrofoam, even printed logo items. BUT please make sure these items are clean when you put them in the bins which are located at Village Hall, Public Works and My Home.

The Sportsplex is still around although it is on a very low simmer.

As I receive details, you will receive details.

In regards to my headline, am I the only one who is disgusted with the way our country is being run right now?

Ken Santowski

I am neither a Democrat or a Republican.

I am an American Citizen and a resident of the United States.

I pay taxes, I try to buy “American”, I try to be kind to my fellow man, and I try to be a good, patriotic citizen.

So I have decided to give our current President and the next President until 2016 to get their act together and try to work together.

Other countries can do it; other people can do it.

Why can’t we?

I shall now step down from my political soapbox; which is filled with Dove since it has 1/4 moisturizers.

Your faithful navigator of the good-ship Lakewood

Kenneth M Santowski

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